Thursday, September 23, 2010

Fun at parties; Balloons, Facepaintings, Magic and all- they're not restricted to just indoors!

This is one successful party done outdoor on a weekday evening last week :)

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Today's fundraising event at Chalk restaurant was a really good one! It was for Children at Street 11, which is an organization that offers child minding, education and meals for children whom are on the poverty line so that their parents can work to support the kids. We were involved as part of the service Chalk provided besides catering Food and Beverage and their restaurant! :)

Here are some picturesssss!

During the Fashion show! Spot some of our balloons in the crowd! :)

Eagerly waiting for my next balloon........ ;)

"Hey! I wanna get that Spiderman picture on my arm!"

Hmmm.. Should I get another painting....


Friday, September 17, 2010

Today evening, we were invited by one of our previous clients to be part of the fundraising event of one of the local Primary schools located at the West of SG.

Our balloons were sold at $2 each, and gradually became a sale-area because it became $2 for 2, $2 for 3 and $2 for 4!!

Here are some pics!


The balloon artists all had fun nevertheless! We had raised funds for the kids' CCAs in their school and we represented the Chinese Orchestra. The teachers even came and shouted "Lelong" for us to convince their students to support our cause! It was really challenging rivalling the kids from the school whom had their own booths too though! :P

But still, we raised.... $169.50! And that was in less than 2 hours! Considering the low price we sold our sculptures at... that was an achievement! And we definitely hope that helped the school CCAs! :)

Monday, September 6, 2010

It was an exciting weekend as we had so many parties that we were so packed going from one party to another! But it was a good weekend cos many kids were happy!

And if you think Balloon Sculpting is boring because kids have to wait there, you're wrong! :P

We do Balloon Sculpting as an activity, not just solely as a balloon for them (Unless you wish to pre-order with us, it's fine too!) because we interact and talk with the kids while we make their balloons, with jokes, with questions, with even just a simple balloon trick, and the kids are bound to be entertained even if they have to wait!

Here's a testimonial from a 2-hour Balloon Sculpting done by Mr MAGIC at 1 year old Dione's birthday party! No pictures though, because Mr MAGIC was there alone, the team was split all around SG conducting parties!

It was marvelous! I'm glad I engaged your service.

Thank you once again for making my princess Dione's birthday a success.
It was so well received that I need to extend Mr MAGIC's service.

He's so proactive and takes initiative to involve the kids.

Lots of people has been asking about his service. Will definitely recommend to others. 

Thank you once again in making my daughter's birthday celebration and memorable and enjoyable one. 


Saturday, September 4, 2010

We had our first Recruitment Drive, and the Orientation today was GREAT!

All that turned up were girls (well, not like we didn't expect that!) but I believe they all had a fun time trying out for the different positions as we had our Balloon Artists and Facepainters down today!

Them trying out painting a flower, letting their imagination and creativity runnn!

And this batch of newcomers are really outstanding! So look out for them at your upcoming parties! (Of cos, when they're done with their trainings!)

After which, we proceeded to successfully complete our prototype of our Balloon Pillar!

Order that to add the glam and splendour factor to your events/ parties! =)